Biomagnetism Canada
Biomagnetism~Bioenergetics &
Axiatonal Alignment Therapy
A - Special Wellness Package Sessions (In person)
*Recommended for Chronic illnesses/Health Issues
3 Biomagnetism sessions + 1 Chakra Balancing Session
(save $22 + complimentary allergy-food sensitivity vibrational testing)

B - Biomagnetism Session (In Person)
Session: 1 hour (approx)

C - Biomagnetism Distant Session (Remote)
Sessions are done the same way in person as at a distance, but another person substitutes for the client. I scan the body using kinesiology, muscle-testing with a photo of the person to be treated. It works the same as in person, except the energy is tranferred. It is the method I also use with pets, and toddlers.
Session: 1.5 hours (approx)

D - Distant Wellness Package (Remote)
3 Biomagnetism sessions + 1 Chakra Balancing session ( save $40. with this pkg)

E - Chakra Balancing- Energy Healing
Energy Healing-Axiatonal Alignment is a healing modality which was practised by Priests in the Order of Melchizedek and has been traced as far back as Atlantis. It is now part of a new super science called Medical Astronomy. All living organisms have an axiatonal system, which are circulatory grid lines of energy and light. I work with moving healing hands over the chakras and meridians to cleanse, balance and align the body. When we experience
trauma, stress, emotional upheaval, toxins and illness, our system and chakras become imbalanced. Energy work helps to cleanse, realign and reconnect our energy or 'Qui'. Crystals are used to help cleanse and balance energies.
Some of the benefits experienced are:
*Deep relaxation
*Improves insomnia
*Releases resentments and anxiety
*Feeling better physically
*Decreased symptoms of illness
*Increase in senses and awareness
*Eases depression
*Improves mental clarity and concentration
Session: 35-45 minutes

Vibrational Testing for Pacific Essences
I do vibrational (energetic) testing to see which Flower and/ or Sea Essences one may require to balance the body, mind and spirit. I was particularly drawn to these Pacific Flower Essences, perhaps because they are locally made here, in the Pacific Northwest, by Sabina Pettitt, and carry their own magical properties, the spirit essence of the flowers and sea creatures.
Session: (approx. 45 min- 1 hour) price varies, please contact me for more information.
*Note - Preferred payment method is by email transfer for any sessions

Kathryn is a Certified Medical Biomagnetism Therapist Level 1 &2 from the Centro de Investigacion de Biomagnetismo Medico,(the Medical Biomagnetism Research Centre), in Mexico City, from Dr. Goiz and the University of Chapingo.
She is also a Certified Universal Energy Healer, (HUE) of Prof. Dr. Sir Master Luong, and Dr. Martina Goldberg at the Centro Metodo Holistico in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Kathryn is not a Medical doctor nor does she diagnose or prescribe medication. These therapies do not substitute for a medical doctor.