Biomagnetism Canada
Biomagnetism~Bioenergetics &
Axiatonal Alignment Therapy

Published on Jul 11, 2012
On May 2009, Dr. Isaac Goíz, who in 1988 discovered the Biomagnetic Pair (BMP) and how to treat many illnesses with the simple use of a pair of magnets, was able to put his method to the test at a clinic directed by Dr. Raymond Hilu in Marbella (Málaga). Over 200 patients people were treated in just four days. A blood sample was taken from the majority of the patients prior to being diagnosed and treated with the corresponding biomagnetic pairs, and another sample was taken afterwards, in order to check if the microorganisms indicated as the cause of their pathologies were truly present in the blood after the treatment.
The Clinic's director Dr. Raymond Hilu MD, with Dr. Santiago de la Rosa MD, tried to be as objective as possible and invited patients from various countries: USA, England, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, India and of course Spain.There were also many MD's invited to observed, among others where Dr.Conte MD, and Dr. Limonti MD, from Italy and Dr. Mary Staggs MD from England.
To read the full article: in English, please go to Biomagnetism News
in Spanish, please go to Discovery Salud
Science & Technology
Medical Biomagnetism Biomagnetic Pair Dr. Isaac Goíz Durán El Par Biomagnetico Biomagnetismo Medico