Biomagnetism Canada
Biomagnetism~Bioenergetics &
Axiatonal Alignment Therapy

One afternoon I developed a pain that spread down the right side of my head, through my jaw, around the back of my head and down my neck. It felt like the pain originated in the glands in the right side of my neck, rather than being a muscular strain.
I wanted to try Biomagnetism therapy for this problem. I contacted Kathryn and she agreed to give me a treatment later in the day.
Kathryn scanned my body and within a few minutes had discovered I had a Staphylococcus infection in my right jaw. She placed the magnets on both sides of my jawbone and left them on for 40 mins. By the end of the session the pain was completely gone! The following morning and in the days following, I had no pain at all. I was absolutely amazed by the quick and obviously effective results!
I highly recommend Kathryn and Biomagnetism treatments. She is a warm, caring and compassionate therapist.
-J. Byington-Victoria BC
Jaw/ Neck pain & Bacterial Infection
Distance healing.. Vancouver island to Mexico.
Long story short, I had started to struggle with digestive issues, anxiety, and sudden weight loss... at the end it was so bad i went from being my normal weight 115lbs to 96lbs... I had an onset of allergies where i barely couldn’t eat anything except for rice, quinoa eggs and chicken and some cooked vegetables..
I went to see specialists, doctors, blood tests, stool tests, gastroenterologists. No one could tell me what was going on with me except for the allergy. I was put on 2 different allergy medicines (very strong with a lot of side effects) for a month. Deep down, since the whole thing started my intuition was telling me it was parasites.. at the end, i felt depressed, my whole body was hurting, I was terrified.
I had lost my period because i had lost so much weight. I found Kathryn online and she right away found all the issues. which were parasites (reason for the weight loss) and digestive issues, bacterias, dengue fever and other imbalances, all of which she was able to cure. All this from a distance, I am in Mexico and she is in Vancouver Island!
I am now fully healed and I thank life everyday- no more allergies, I am enjoying all foods again, my monthly cycle is back, I am full of beautiful energy, I gained 10lbs and I am SO GRATEFUL!
I talk about Kathryn to everyone i know and have referred my friends and family to her. So thankful for this beautiful way of healing!
- Sabrina Hemond

Distant session for a cat
My cat Lucifer, just 2 years old and ordinarily full of playful energy, was starting to look thin after I recently moved into a new house. Then the personality of the cat I knew started rapidly changing before my eyes. Lucy’s demeanour became flat, he suddenly appeared weak and withdrawn, he was skinnier than ever and his fur had become matted. Eventually he completely stopped urinating in his litter box.
Kathy agreed to do a Biomagnetism session with Lucifer on an emergency basis, and found: Fear of change pertaining to the move that resulted in adrenal fatigue, a bacteria in Lucy’s stomach, and heavy metal toxicity in both his liver and kidneys. Having decided to take Lucifer to the veterinarian for a second opinion, the vet’s findings were congruent with Kathy’s: Lucifer’s kidneys were not functioning well as he had kidney stones (which I suspected were due to a collection of heavy metal toxins from the dust and debris stemming from the renovations).
After arriving home post- surgery to remove the kidney stones, Lucifer was thin and lethargic, ate little and put on heavy medication for pain management. Although initially recovering as expected, Lucy suddenly hit a bump in his healing and wouldn’t move or urinate. I panicked, for the vet said that if this happened, Lucy had to be brought back to the animal hospital immediately.
I called Kathy in a panic and she did second emergency session with Lucifer. 24 hours later, Lucy made a complete turn around. He was content and alert, peed normally and a lot, and ate more than he had since the surgery. Today, Lucy is back to his old self..happy, playful and affectionate, and without Kathy’s healings, I don’t think he would have regained his health to this extent. I am infinitely grateful to Kathy for her special healing gifts and I am sure that on some level, Lucifer is too-
Trish Comber- Ont., Canada
In 2015 I started to experience stiffness in my hands due to an autoimmune condition. Since I started seeing Kathryn, I went from measuring a 60 to now a 90 in flexibility with my physio- therapist. Needless to say my hands feel so much better.
If you want to improve the quality of your health, I strongly recommend contacting Kathryn….I am happy I did:)
Thank you;
Kerstin-Victoria BC
Dear Kathryn,
I wanted to thank you again for such an amazing session yesterday I wanted to let you know that the healing has continued and I am still experiencing the benefits. I’d been having awful pain in both my knees for the past week or so, bad enough that it was interrupting my sleep. Well, last night not only did I not have pain but I had an amazing sleep! My skin cleared up as well and a skin tag I’ve had on my face for the past 4-5 years fell off! I’ve tried everything to take it off! Lol it’s not completely gone but a large part of it has. I’ve also had way more energy today than I’ve had in a while. I’m sure at a cellular level even more magic is occurring!
I’m looking forward to next week’s session.
Thank you again and big hugs!
Have a wonderful day!
Suparna G.