Biomagnetism Canada
Biomagnetism~Bioenergetics &
Axiatonal Alignment Therapy
Who is Dr. Isaac Goíz Durán, MD?
On May 2009, Dr. Isaac Goíz, who in 1988 discovered the Biomagnetic Pair (BMP) and how to treat many illnesses with the simple use of a pair of magnets, was able to put his method to the test at a clinic directed by Dr. Raymond Hilu in Marbella (Málaga). Over 200 patients people were treated in just four days. A blood sample was taken from the majority of the patients prior to being diagnosed and treated with the corresponding biomagnetic pairs, and another sample was taken afterwards, in order to check if the microorganisms indicated as the cause of their pathologies were truly present in the blood after the treatment.

The Clinic's director Dr. Raymond Hilu MD, with Dr. Santiago de la Rosa MD, tried to be as objective as possible and invited patients from various countries: USA, England, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, India and of course Spain.There were also many MD's invited to observed, among others where Dr.Conte MD, and Dr. Limonti MD, from Italy and Dr. Mary Staggs MD from England.
To read the full article:
in English, please go to Biomagnetism News http://medicalbiomagnetismnews.blogspot.com/
in Spanish, please go to Discovery Salud
Category:Science & Technology (Tags: Medical Biomagnetism Biomagnetic Pair
Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran El Par Biomagnetico Biomagnetismo Medico)
About Dr. Isaac Goíz Durán, MD
• Physical Therapist - Physical Medicine School of the British America Hospital, Mexico, 1964
• Medical Surgeon - Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico 1984
• National Award “Martin de la Cruz”, Academy of Traditional Medicine,A.C., Mexico FD, 1997
• General Director and Founder of the Centro de Investigacíon de Biomagnetísmo Médico
(The Medical Biomagnetism Research Centre)-1994 Mexico City
• Member of Honor of the National Association of Quantum Medicine, Neurosciences and Bioenergetics, Barcelona, Spain,1999.
• Diplomatic Correspondent of the World Organization of Naturopaths, Rome, Italy 1999
• Degree of Doctor of Bioenergetic Medicine, International Oxford University, England 1999
• Professor of Medical Sciences – National University of Loja, Republic of Ecuador, 2002
• Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics, awarded “Tlamatini, Living Treasure of Mexico” 2006
• Member of the New York Academy of Sciences USA
* Honorary Professor of Investigation Award - University of Alcalá, Henares, Madrid, Spain- January 2014
* Citizen of Honour Award - Puebla, Mexico, 2015
• Currently: Professor and Coordinator, Education Center of Bioenergetic and Biomagnetism, Autonomous University of Chapingo, Mexico
*Dr. Goiz Duran continues to teach Biomagnetism in Mexico and internationally, and attends to patients in his clinics in Mexico City.

What does the The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine say about Biomagnetism Therapy?
The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) was launched with a mission to identify breakthrough complementary and alternative therapies and to research and report on their effectiveness.
One of the therapy systems that FAIM is investigating is one that uses ordinary magnets to heal.
Although magnets have been used in therapies for a long time, this particular method uses pairs of magnets to neutralize disease-causing pathogens in the body.
This system is known as "the Biomagnetic Pair by Dr. Isaac Goíz." It first caught our attention while doing a site-visit in a public hospital in Ecuador. We later learned that this method, although basically unknown in the U.S., is practiced in many countries, especially in South America. FAIM continued its investigations by interviewing practitioners and patients of this therapy. After much documentation has been reviewed and many cases studied we are nonetheless perplexed.
The reason is that the anecdotal evidence is there and the scope of the claims made by the practitioners of this therapy are truly remarkable...
......This year FAIM participated in the Mexico City conference and gathered medical testimonies of people who claimed their lives were saved thanks to Dr. Goíz's method. FAIM also picked up the publication of a research project by Dr. Goíz and Dr. Raymond Hilu in Malaga, Spain...
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